
March 2011

March 2011

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

How are things?

Well in December we purchased a new home. Praise God because without him it wouldn't been possible.
We love our new home. It has a extra room for a baby.
I recently had another loss. I have decided soon we are going to a fertility Dr for help. I truly want my dream to come true.
As far as Patience goes she is great!  I will post more later about her. I just wanted to record my new journey. I hope to one day report good news about our miracle.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Green Chile Chicken

Ok feeling like your on a diet isn't fun. Especially if your a kid. This is one of Patience's favorite.

Just baked chicken cut up in cubes, Green Chile sauce, About a half of cube of cream cheese,  Or less

This was a whole big bowl and lightly sprinkled cheese on top.

Bake for 30 minutes and serve with salad. Who doesn't like eating healthy? It's like eating

A deconstructed Enchilada. Without to much fat. I make many meals ahead of time. So this

Will have leftovers. Not to much guilt.

Friday, December 5, 2014

To Truly Succeed

I have to plan ahead on the food. Not really make a meal plan for the month or even the week sometimes even a day.

I mean have healthy choices in the fridge.- Have veggies chopped if we want a snack, fruits, protein bars, protein thawed and cooked, eggs boiled, water bottles chilled.

It's easier for me to make sure Patience eat's healthy because I love her and I do not want her to have diabetes. But for myself If I do not plan ahead - I put myself on the back burner.

Anything you want in life you have to try your best.
Am I good at what I do? Not always but when I put forth more effort I have better results.

Treating my health like it is something of value is important. It is so easy for me to grab extra food if I am busy. Having a plan and treating our health as though it was a business matter- helps our family. I'm a food addict I admit, I eat when im sad, I eat when im bored. I eat to much. What we eat is serious if that wasn't so I wouldn't be writing this blog. Tomorrow it starts all over again- the grocery shopping, the planning, the preparing. But im grateful we have healthy choices and options. If I can prepare things in advance it saves time in the long run. Repeating again IT SAVES TIME. Time also that I may have alittle longer with my family here on earth because I chose to take care of myself. 

Still learning.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Patience truly knows the trick to being healthy.  Patience would you like a sandwich for lunch or salad? Well Momma I think I would like both. Half a sandwich and a salad. (That was her bread for the day) So that's fine. You never go wrong with veggies.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Sample photo of Patience's Dinner

Turkey Burger with salad. Grilled Pineapple and natural cheddar.  No bread was needed. She chopped the salad herself.

Just another photo of sample breakfast for Miss Patience

That's Turkey Bacon in the photo.